The comic in digital format and possibilities of the media 2020
The world of comics, as many others, has evolved with the intention to adapt itself to the new digital media. It has experienced a metamorphosis, making use of the available possibilities to break through the limitations of physical media and transforming it in a fully transmedia experience. In this new stage it is known as webcomic.
The intention of this essay is to investigate the statu quo of the webcomic and to reveal its limits, as well as discover the new tools this new format offers. It leaves behind the study of the traditional comic, and instead focuses on that blurry border that barely keeps apart webcomics from fully transmedia projects, going through several examples and studying what is currently happening in social media.
Finally, through the start of the When Reality Bleeds project, it seeks to put in practice said investigation. This preliminary project seeks to make use of everything offered by digital media, seeing it not as a limitation, but as an instrument.