El Canal presents a new project.
Today, January 20, 2023, the project of the Performing Arts Creation Center in Salt/Girona, El Canal, has been presented. Its goal is to become a meeting point for professionals in the performing arts sector and to bring the performing arts closer to the public.
After more than 15 years since the project’s conception, the El Canal Performing Arts Creation Center in Salt (Girona) takes a new direction. It becomes a reference center for performing arts creation, encompassing theater, circus, dance, music, and other artistic languages. In addition to promoting and co-producing productions, with a special focus on the local scene, it also functions as a creative hub, located in the Coma Cross area. This location is shared with other entities, including the University School of the Arts, ERAM – UdG.
El Canal is reborn to support creators through five key pillars:
1. Production support: through calls for productions and co-productions, grants, and space rentals for private productions.
2. Creation support: by supporting research into new dramaturgy, providing comprehensive artistic residencies, and offering professional advice and support in the project creation process.
3. Training: through seminars, workshops, and other training opportunities.
4. Audience development: by bringing live arts to all audiences through open activities and exhibitions accessible to the public.
5. Distribution support: through strategic agreements with public performing arts facilities, institutions promoting and internationalizing Catalan performing arts, as well as national and international strategic festivals. Additionally, El Canal provides professional support in the promotion and distribution processes for companies.
El Canal collaborates with the University School of the Arts, ERAM – UdG, to help promote professionalism in the performing arts and audiovisual sector, especially in the Girona region and from the early stages of professional development. Additionally, with the aim of creating synergies with the sector, El Canal has made its spaces available to students (from the Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts – Acting at ERAM – UdG) and future professionals to carry out teaching activities, stage pieces originating from final degree projects, or internships. All activities at the center carried out during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years have been documented by students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication through a collaboration agreement.