This year we have two open calls:
Sala Oberta redefines the previous category of Web series, video blogs, and new audiovisual formats. It revolves around a public presentation of audiovisual projects (in development). The five finalists (www.voc.cat/salaoberta) will meet on Monday, February 3, at 7 p.m. at Sala Laya in the Filmoteca de Catalunya. We believe this is an opportunity for your students to access these presentations. Additionally, the audience can vote for the best project (resulting in the Sala Oberta Audience Award) and enter a draw for a one-month subscription to FILMINCAT. Tickets can be reserved on the same website.
On Thursday, February 6, the programming of the Showcase begins at CineBaix in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. The Opening Session, starting at 7:30 p.m., kicks off a program that can be seen in more than 30 cities in Catalonia. There are 14 fiction and documentary short films (www.voc.cat/seleccio2020) distributed over two sessions (www.voc.cat/sessions). Similar to Sala Oberta, the audience will decide with their votes the Audience Award for the best fiction short film and the Audience Award for the best documentary short film.