Credit recognition comes to the Degree in Fashion!
ERAM-UdG University School of Arts is pleased to announce that the recognition of CFGS credits for the Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion has been approved.
Starting from the academic year 2024/2025, having completed the CFGS in Textile Art, Technical Design in Textile and Leather, Patternmaking and Fashion or Custom-made Clothing and Shows, it will be possible to access and validate credits in these official university studies. Some of the Catalan centers where these studies can be taken are EA Massana, Institut de Terrassa, EA Illa, Institut Lluís Domènech i Montaner, Institut Guindàvols and EA Llotja, among others where you can also find them.
At ERAM-UdG we defend the importance of regulated and continuous training, as it prepares and provides students with the tools they need for the labor market.
Studying is much more than simply acquiring knowledge. Studying what you are passionate about is an opportunity to maximize your personal potential and become a professional in a specific area. Studying gives us the possibility of discovering ourselves, learning what motivates us, what our strengths and weaknesses are, and from there, working on them. In addition, it also benefits us when it comes to creating new connections with people who also share interests and thus creating synergies that give rise to otherwise impossible binomials.
Studying allows us to gain experience in a safe environment. In sectors such as fashion (or other artistic branches), what really shapes a professional is time, dedication, practice and learning from mistakes, this is the best school. And what better time to practice and make mistakes than while studying? Take advantage of the environment of the Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion where you have the support of professionals in the sector who can guide you in this learning process.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion offered at ERAM-UdG, in addition to being the only official university study in the sector, gives the student the opportunity to discover and create their own path thanks to its transversality. It is a degree that adapts to a great diversity of profiles and aims to train future professionals in the area in all stages of the textile industry, from the conception of the idea to its commercialization. With this methodology, it is intended that at the end of their studies, the future professional will be able to decide freely to which area they want to dedicate themselves.